

TLC plate acquisition and visualization are the final steps in the TLC / HPTLC protocol. They provide analysis results, or are the starting point for further analysis.

In some cases, visual observation of the results in visible light is sufficient.

But for most of the substances to be detected, UV illumination of the TLC/HPTLC plate is required.

UV detection methods are among the most sensitive methods for thin-layer chromatography detection.

At 366 nm, fluorescent substances glow against a dark background. This method becomes even more sensitive with increasing light intensity. To enhance contrast, it is important that visible light is filtered with a filter.

At 254 nm, when using TLC / HPTLC plates containing a fluorescent indicator, the substances appear as dark spots against a bright fluorescent background.

UV 302nm lamps have the advantage of combining high sensitivity with reduced risk of damaging even the most fragile samples.

Light intensity and visible light filtering are less critical for this form of detection.

We offer models that can be viewed under UV light in or out of the darkroom.

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