
HPTLC image capture, the essential tool for professional TLC protocols.
For any laboratory wishing to work to GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) standards, simply viewing TLC/HPTLC plates under visible or UV light is not enough.
In addition, it requires the plates to be stored, with the risk of information being lost over time.
Capturing images using a high-resolution system is therefore the best solution.
With camera-based systems, you can not only record images under white light, but also under UV light.
As a result, the fluorescent behavior of substances can be captured, helping to identify samples.
It can be interesting to record images of a TLC / HPTLC plate under white light, UV 254nm and 366nm without changing the position of the plate in order to precisely observe the spectral properties of a particular area.
Another important point is the need to use a high-resolution camera to ensure high fidelity in color rendering.
Images recorded in this way can then be quantified using appropriate software similar to the process with electrophoretic gels.
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